Student Financial Aid #23-01


The “Student Bursaries Financial Aid Fund” assists in covering tuition charges for students who are enrolled and sponsored at TCZ by their church, but need assistance in paying their tuition fees. Bursaries are granted on the basis of financial need.

Project # 22-01

25 Bursaries per Semester @ $200.00 each

Pay for Tuition Fees

The “Student Bursaries Financial Aid Fund” assists in covering tuition charges for students who are enrolled and sponsored at TCZ by their church, but need assistance in paying their tuition fees. Bursaries are granted on the basis of financial need.

Project # 22-01

25 Bursaries per Semester @ $200.00 each

The “Student Bursaries Financial Aid Fund” assists in covering tuition charges for students who are enrolled and sponsored at TCZ by their church, but need assistance in paying their tuition fees. Bursaries are granted on the basis of financial need.

Project # 22-01

25 Bursaries per Semester @ $200.00 each